Monday, April 09, 2007

Why do we meet?

Believers are called together by God (church = the ἐκκλησία).

But why do we meet?

I'm playing with this . . . We meet in community with other Christ followers in order to encounter God and His truth in ways that are transformational.

What do you think?


Funky Finds said...

I just found your blog through Jody of Nitty Gritty. I don't know a thing about you (denomination, etc) but thought I'd see your question. I know that I attend church services for several reasons, but one very important reason is to have a connection to others. I am single & spend a lot of time alone during the week. Since I joined my church, I have built some really solid relationships. I think it's important to have those people in your life that are positive, supportive & loving & I have found that by attending church regularly. Have a great day!

Queue_t said...

I too am a Nitty gritty looker-

We meet to be the body of christ! and experience more powerful relationship with Jesus- where one or more of you are gathered together... so shall I be there , I hope I don't butcher that too badly. That is my hope that i may meet the lord on sunday and other times when I am in fellowship with others.

thanks for making us think about it.

Cris said...

I found you from Jody's blog as well. LOL.

One of the reasons I believe that we meet is for fellowship. In this day and age it's very easy to get swept up in the way of the world and I think it helps being around other Christians to encourage us to continue in our walk with Christ.